Washington Redskins Past and Present


The Washington Redskins are one of the most profitable teams in the National Football League.  They also have a less than spectacular record since being acquired by Daniel Snyder from a group headed Jack Kent Cooke, Jr.  Fans of the Skins, as they are known in D.C., wonder how long it will take for the team to pull together a strong winning season and possibly post-season play.  The current owner has thrown a massive amount of money towards purchasing players that he believed would place them on the road to dominance in the NFC and the NFL.  Unfortunately single players

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Tailgating Wisdom

One of the greatest traditions we have in the United States is the tradition of tailgating before and after football games.  For the most part there is a feeling of community and connectivity that occurs between fans that I haven’t found in too many places.  It doesn’t matter if your tickets are in the front row or you bought discount tickets online for standing room seats, most people you come in contact with just want to have fun and see your football team win.

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The Greatest Victories in Sports

What defines a great win in sports? I think more than anything it is the manner in which the game played itself out in relation to the expectations coming into the contest itself.  When a team clearly exceeds what is expected of them to seize a championship which to me defines a great game.  I have chosen a few of these games that I deem the best of all time.  I would not need to find discount tickets online to watch these great contests unfold.

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