Do you not want the pressure of having to write a blog every day, week or month? Do you not want to worry about the maintaining a Blog site? Do you have something to say?
Perhaps your experience can help others. Maybe you want to spread the news on a charitable event?
Maybe you want to debut your music, videos or your own recipes… can indeed do so here.
Marneen, how can I make this happen you ask?
Funny you should ask, it’s real easy, first register at and then send an email using “Contact Me” , make sure to put in the message that you want to upgrade your profile to “contributor” and I will change your rights from “subscriber” to “contributor”, you will then be able to create your own posts.
Do you know how to post using your new WordPress profile? If not, then that’s an easy fix too….
Click here and you will be taken to an extremely helpful and easy to use website with short video tutorials. It’s what I used to get me started!
So, I look forward to your input and experience and don’t forget to register at!
Keep smiling!