LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Garnett. These guys are physical freaks of nature and their skill levels coming out of high school were head and shoulders above anyone else their own age. Due to this, they decided to skip college and take their talents straight to the pros,
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Minneapolis Golf Open Dream
A cool, almost imperceptible breeze saunters through the gallery. Foreshadowing Henrique Cordova’s demise perhaps? The fans, friends and relatives in the crowd surely hope not. Cordova has been known to fall victim to late-game jitters before though. Just last year, at this very same Minneapolis Open, Cordova’s
Hockey Playoffs Seriously?
As the sun sets on another year of the Stanley Cup Playoffs, we are reminded of a few things about the NHL in general.
1) The Stanley Cup Playoffs are tremendous and top the playoffs in any other sport as far as excitement and unpredictability.