Ah, what it is to root for the New York Yankees. Who was it, the old comedian Joe E. Lewis? Wasn’t he the one who said rooting for the Yankees is like rooting for U.S. steel?
Humor and Antidotes
Little Things Make the Big Things Possible
UCLA Legendary Basketball coach John Wooden famously stated this belief many years ago and you can apply it to any sporting activity and also to any activity in your life. If you do the small and seemingly simple tasks well, you will find the bigger and seemingly more difficult tasks are easier to complete. It doesn’t matter what sport you watch, simply get some low priced tickets to watch a professional team play and if they are a good team they will consistently demonstrate this tenant.
Being A Good Sports Parent
When your child makes the decision to participate in athletics, one of the things you have to realize is that you are also going to be significantly involved in that sport or activity. The behavior that you model during athletic contests is going to have a
Manager of the Year
The best baseball manager in the country resides in a small town in middle Tennessee. His name is Wink Chatterfield. A smallish man, with a height that would only make a child jealous and a weight bordering on a sack of flour, Chatterfield is an icon in his field. He has all the smarts to be great but his key to
The Downside of the Upside
‘Upside’ is a dangerous term. It’s not as outwardly dangerous as say, ‘projectile vomit’ or ‘written by Jason Whitlock’ but to basketball general managers, nothing is scarier than upside. It makes people lose their jobs.
Minneapolis Golf Open Dream
A cool, almost imperceptible breeze saunters through the gallery. Foreshadowing Henrique Cordova’s demise perhaps? The fans, friends and relatives in the crowd surely hope not. Cordova has been known to fall victim to late-game jitters before though. Just last year, at this very same Minneapolis Open, Cordova’s
Backyard Baseball
“Frank Thomas stepped up to the plate. The most feared hitter in all the land brought shivers through the spines of opposing pitchers. No one could sneak a pitch by The Big Hurt, especially with men on base.”
Hockey Playoffs Seriously?
As the sun sets on another year of the Stanley Cup Playoffs, we are reminded of a few things about the NHL in general.
1) The Stanley Cup Playoffs are tremendous and top the playoffs in any other sport as far as excitement and unpredictability.
Friendship and Wedding Bliss
So, at long last, one of my last single very close guy friends is taking the plunge into wedded bliss. Gotta say, this guy was one of the real holdouts, or so I thought.
I have many friends, many good friends, some close friends and then there is my “Crew”. David Bressler is from the “Crew”. Nobody knows me better than my “Crew” and these are the folks that I know will be part of my life til the end……and beyond. So being able to go to this wedding, as I have done with the rest of the Crew, is more special than words can possibly convey.
Stupid or inconsiderate?
Is it just me or do others feel the same way, have people gotten stupider over the years or just much more inconsiderate? We all know what happens if you give a cashier some change after he already punched the amount he tendered into the register. So I think we can all agree, that is definitely on the stupidity end.
What about the person who stops their car in the left lane when there is a ton of traffic coming up behind them, forcing everyone behind them to slam on their brakes. The reason they stopped was because his right hand turn was coming up and instead of continuing on to the next intersection or exit which would have added a few extra minutes to their trip, and not risk a rear end collision, they decided the hell with everybody else, it’s all about me. Is this stupidity or inconsideration?