A manager’s dilemma – Dress Code

What do you do when an employee dresses “inappropriately” in an office without an official or rigid dress code?

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I have seen this problem rear it’s head many times and in different scenarios.

Scenario #1 – An employee that wears, what some would call offensive, explicit T-shirts.  Not everyone is offended, but one or two employees may be.  As a manager, you may not think the shirt is offensive, however, you still need to be responsive to the complaining employee.  In this scenario I would suggest having the complaining employee email you their complaint, or verbalize with witness present.  After doing so, you can approach the “offending” employee and ask them not to wear that shirt to the office again.  You need not reveal the identity of the complaining employee at this point or ever if it matter is put to rest.

Read moreA manager’s dilemma – Dress Code